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  • Writer's pictureJason Domican

ze_kwas Interview

Brief Bio (About yourself)

Born and raised on Canada's West coast, gaming has always been my escape. My passion. Being that it's now 2019, turning my love of gaming into a career is now possible. Personal trainer by day, pro streamer in the making by night.

Name: Cameron Kwasney

(Age) Level: 27

Main gaming platform: PC

Secondary platform: PS4

Favorite video game motto:

“Get over here!” - scorpion, Mortal combat

What is your earliest memory of video games and at what point did you know it was something you would love for life?

The earliest memory I have of videos games is when I was 9 and my parents got a super Nintendo from a flea market. It came with TMNT and super Mario. As soon as I had my best friend Chase over and we played TMNT till 3 AM and my parent were yelling at us to turn it off I knew I was going to be a gamer for life.

What are your top 3 videos games and why?

Final Fantasy 8 – it was the first real rpg that I played that as soon as I finished the game I started it over

God Of War – Kratos is a bad ass enough said

Apex legends – it’s the first fps that has really got me excited about the competitive side of gaming as well as the first one I’ve done on PC

What are your top 3 consoles and why?

Playstation 1 – first console I got just for myself and one of my favourite games is on it lol

Game Boy colour - I know its technically a hand held but man I put far to many hours into this beauty

N64 - Pokemon stadium and smash bros were a must when my friends came over for the longest time

What upcoming titles are you excited for?

Borderlands 3 has me excited. I just love the art style and gun play there really is no game like it

Who is your all-time favourite video game

character and why?

Squall from Final Fantasy 8 (I know I’m sounding like a broken record by this point) I just really could relate to the character.

If any, what real life skills would you say videos games have taught you growing up?

Problem solving for sure video games has really taught me to take a step back and look at a whole situation from multiple angles to find a better way through it.

What video game character best suits your personality?

That’s a really tough one as I think we can all relate to a lot of characters that’s why they are so enticing. I’m going to stick with the Final Fantasy 8 theme and say Squall. I was an outsider a lot growing up as I didn’t really fit in with all the cool kids' kind of like squall was an outsider. I found a great group of friends that would drag me around even when I was being stubborn, I was secretly having a good time. If anyone has played Final fantasy 8 they know exactly what I’m talking about

What is your favourite cosplayer outfit?

My favourite one that I got to do was Malzahar from league of legends it was one of the first ones I had done but man was it a blast to do. There is a lot I would change on it now but It was just such a great time

Top 3 favourite Pokémon and why?

Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle because the OG starters are the best plus the final evolution on all three is sick

What is yours and your Partners go to Co-Op game?

Honestly, she mostly enjoys watching me play games because she really likes the graphics and plot development but if I had to pick one, I would say Diablo 3 we put a lot of hours in that game together.

What is the Family’s favourite game to all play together?

Hmm I would probably say Uno its supper easy to play plus my family isn't good with technology lol

Proudest gaming moment?

First time beating the final boss in Final Fantasy 8. Anyone that has fought that boss without grinding a ton out of the game know how hard it is to beat that boss and on my first play through I didn’t grind at all so there was many hours spent trying to kill that boss.

Have your say (say anything you want)

I just want to thank you for choosing me for an interview and sending me all these amazing questions. As someone who grew up with Dyslexia word smithing has never been my strong suit so I am really happy to have an opportunity to push myself to work on it with this and I can't thank you enough.

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