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  • Writer's pictureJason Domican

_justsumgurl Interview

_justsumgurl is a beautiful young Gamer i met via Instagram, She is a Twitch Affiliate!!

Her interests are Xbox, PC and ps4!

she also loves horror, Sci fi and 3D printing

I can't wait to dive right in to her interview lets go!

What is your earliest memory of video games and at what point did you know it would be something you love for life?

The earliest gaming memory I have was on Apple computer. I was a female character on roller blades, going across a sidewalk by the beach jumping over and avoiding obstacles along the way. That’s what started me! Then I moved on to Nintendo.

I would play Galga and Super Mario Bros with my sister along with many other games. I received a N64 for one of my birthdays and I didn’t put it down all summer. I remember playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time and listening to No Doubt’s Return to Saturn on repeat and that was one of the best summers I’ve ever experienced. Zelda really got me into gaming. I have played video games my whole life but I never thought of myself as a gamer. Now with social media is huge, it popularized gaming as a lifestyle. I think after that I realized I was a gamer and had been my whole life.

What are you top 3 video games and why?

This is a hard question!


Wild Arms PlayStation. This is the game I played the most and maybe my favorite game of all time. I would always get glitched somewhere and have to start it again but I didn’t mind because the story line and action was so much fun.


Ocarina of Time N64. I mean how can you not love it? It’s honestly the best game I’ve ever played. The graphics at the time were amazing, the storyline flows nicely, and there is so much to do.


Destiny Xbox 360/Xbox One. This game is very emotional for me, it got me through a very dark place. Destiny was the first game I played online with other people. I always played RPGs or single player games before this because I was very shy. Basically I accidentally joined a party chat and ended up making friends and playing with them. I still play with them to this day. I was going through a break up and personal struggles. I fell into a huge depression and didn’t leave me apartment for around 2 months. I started to throw myself into this game, the game along with the friendships I made saved my life. There was so much to explorer, the raids were so fun, and PvP in this game was beyond any game I’ve ever played. Oh how I miss trials (,:

What are your top 3 consoles and why?

My top 3 consoles


Switch: It is beyond its time. You can play with a huge group or play solo. Good amount of games and great for any age group.


Super Nintendo: Some of the best classic games and they brought a good selection of NES games over to it too. Super Mario All-Stars and Super Mario World are games I actively play to this day.


Xbox. Now it might not be the best console of all time but I personally love it. I like how easy it is to use. I am not a big fan of PlayStation although I own one. I agree that PlayStation for last few years has had better game selections but at the end of the day I cannot stand how it is setup, I often get lost on it. Also the Xbox community is amazing and a little sweater to me. Who doesn’t like a good challenge?!

What upcoming titles are you excited for?

Destiny 3, although it’s not really upcoming I’ve been waiting on this game since Destiny 2 came out. Destiny 2 ruined it for me. I’ve never been so disappointed in a game. They didn’t tweak PvP, they completely changed it and not for the better. Destiny was life to me, D2 was the funeral, and hopefully D3 will be the resurrection. I’m also looking forward to the new Halo, it would be cool to see it thriving again and to be part of the experience!

Who is your all time favorite video game character and why?

It’s a villain but Ganon(dorf). I always thought he looked cool. I collect action figures and I have a few of him.

If any, what real world skills have video games taught you?

Video games have helped me in real life with problem solving. If I ever have an issue whether that be work related, school, or personal I always attack it from different angles in my head before executing. It definitely has changed the way I think or how I handle stressful situations.

What video game character best suits your personality?

I would like to think Master Chief but probably Yoshi because he seems anxious and finicky lol

How long have you been streaming and when did you become a twitch affiliate?

I have been on and off streaming for around 2 years. I became an affiliate fairly quick. I didn’t even know I was an affiliate until someone told me how to look and see if you were affiliated. I have struggled with finding time to stream due to school and work, but also finding the effort due to anxiety.

Is there anyone you would like to thank for supporting your goals all the way?

Definitely, a thank you to Jose who helped me so much with setting up my stream, also my dad who helped me setup my PC and answered my millions of questions. And a big thank you to my boyfriend who always pushes me towards my goals.

Who are some of your favorite streamers?

I’m a big fan of summit1g. CDNThe3rd and DrDisrespect always make me laugh. And I love watching OlManMakowski’s stream grow! There as so many talented streamers out there.

What is the dream for your twitch channel?

I would love to see my stream turn into a career. It’s hard to find time to stream because I put work and school first. I’ve decide to cut back on work this coming Fall and focus on my stream. I haven’t put the effort I want into it and that’s crazy to me because I love gaming so much. My job isn’t my career but it does pay the bills. I think focusing on time management and budgeting myself so I can stream more will have positive outcome in my life regardless if it benefits me financially.

How has being a twitch Affiliate changed your life?

I honestly don’t see a change, only for the fact that I do not stream frequently. I am just happy to have people to talk to in my stream, whether it be 1 person or a larger audience. Quality over quantity.

Have your say?

Its exciting seeing the gaming community grow and develop. It’s awesome that advancement in technology has made it easy to meet like minded people.

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