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  • Writer's pictureJason Domican

Hylianstallord (Interview)

Hylianstallord is a wonderful gentlemen I happened to meet whilst doing his partners interview, He is a nature loving Hylian Warrior!! oh and can't forget extremely talented photographer! His Instagram has the most beautiful collection of video game photography, He loves adventuring through the forests with His Fiancee to find now and amazing opportunity's

What is your earliest memory of video games and at what point did you know it was something you would love for life?

I think one of my earliest memories was when I was maybe 4 years old? The mother of a friend of mine always used to drive me home from school. And my mom always said that if I behaved in the car, I could play on the PS1 at home. So, most of the time I behaved so that I could play Crash Bandicoot Team Racing when I got home. I think that’s also the first game that I remember playing and that got me hooked to video games for life.

If you could combine 3 Pokémon games what 3 would you mix to make the perfect game?

Hmmm I think combining Pokémon Emerald, Pokémon Platinum and Pokémon Leaf Green. They were the only Pokémon games I really enjoyed. Their regions were so much fun to wander around. It would be sick if you could travel between the 3 and catch all the Pokémon that reside it those regions

What are your top 3 videos games and why?

The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess.

2 days after the Wii was released my father came home with one and had 2 games to play for me and my little brother. One of them was Zelda Twilight Princess, but my parents told me that I could only play that one when my brother wasn’t home. Otherwise we had to share the Wii and play the other game together which was Wii Sport.

Anyway, motion controls we’re an amazing new way of playing games. So, you can imagine how incredibly cool it was for a young boy to swing a virtual sword by swinging the Wii remote.

I was a young kid and I had a wild imagination so being sucked into a game that has such an amazing story line with lots of emotional moments and a huge landscape with endless things to do and see was so incredible.

I loved being able to escape from reality and get sucked into a virtual world. I was going through a tough time as a kid and Twilight Princess was the first game that could distract me from it. So, I guess that’s why Twilight Princess is my all-time number 1 favourite game.

I will never forget what an impact that game had on my life.

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt.

One of the things I really enjoyed as a kid was exploring in the different kind of worlds in games. Endless hours of just walking around and do everything a game had to offer.

The Witcher 3 had everything I always looked for in a game. Hunting monsters, a huge world to explore, incredible graphics and free roam.

I loved how you could investigate clues to finding a monster, only to hunt it down and add it to your bestiary which showed you all the information on that specific monster you hunted. Besides hunting I also enjoyed Geralt his character. His story is very interesting and the lore behind the Witcher is one of the best lures I have ever read about.

The game just has so much to offer and even after hundreds and hundreds of hours of gameplay, the feeling of knowing that it would take you even thousands of hours more to fully seen it all in the game is amazing.

The Elder Scrolls V, Skyrim

Now this is my most played game, with over 3000 hours of gameplay, this game just keeps surprising me every time I return to it.

The Elder Scrolls Oblivion was the first in the series that I played, I enjoyed it so much, so when they announced Skyrim, I couldn’t be more hyped for it.

I remember watching the trailer and holy fuck. I had goose bumps over my whole body, and I cried a little because I was so overwhelmed by the music, the graphics and the sick fight between the dragonborn and the dragon.

Skyrim is a game where you can play around for 3000 hours total and still find new places, still find new side quests and amazing story lines about certain characters.

It has a special place in my heart and therefore a place in my top three.

What upcoming titles are you excited for?

Holy shit did they just announce they are working on a sequel to Breath of the Wild?

I have over 200 hundred hours in BOTW and I’ve beaten it twice in normal mode and once in Master mode including the DLC. So, the sequel? Is one of my most anticipated titles!

And I am also very excited for Animal Crossing New Horizons!

They finally showed a gameplay trailer and I am so stoked to finally play this game together with my fiancée!

Favourite Nintendo character and why?

Does Stallord count as an official Nintendo Character? Guess not ha-ha

No, my favourite character is Link, I know boring right?

Did you know that link never talks because he feels that he needs to be strong by being silent so he can bear any burden?

What I think is that his silence is his way of keeping his emotions in control.

Therefore, he is someone I looked up to when I was a kid, his character made me want to be strong too when I was a little boy.

What Pokémon best suits your personality?

Absol! It is my favourite Pokémon.

He is also called the dark angel who warns people when there is a danger approaching.

Other than that, he mostly keeps to himself.

I mostly keep to myself but I'm always there when someone needs me.

Now I'm not saying that I am a dark angel or anything ha-ha.

But it’s the only Pokémon that I am interested in and the first one who’s lore I searched up on the internet.

What is your most prized collectible and why?

ohhh I don’t really have anything in my collection that is worth a lot of money, I think.

But I guess if I need to pick something that has a lot of worth to me, I would say my PSA Absol Pokémon Card.

It was a present from my fiancée when we were just best friends years ago. It means a lot to me that she gave me that card from her own collection. She knows it’s my favourite Pokémon and it was one of the first presents I got from her.

When did you first full in love with video game photography?

Before I started my gaming page on Instagram, I saw a story of a follower of mine on my personal page. TheLegendofMaaike on Instagram. She said in her story that Link was her favourite Zelda character, so I responded to that by saying It was my favourite too. I check out her page and saw that she took photos of games which I really liked! We started talking and became very good friends. She is the reason I wanted to start my own gaming page. Seeing her photos was the first moment I fell in love with video game photography. So, I've got to thank her for introducing me the awesome gaming community and for inspiring me to become a gaming page myself!

Have your say (say anything you want)

I just want to thank you for wanting me to do this interview. It was a lot of fun answering your questions. I also want to let everybody know who reads this that you should never be ashamed of being a gamer. You are an amazing person and never let anyone tell you differently. For one it’s an escape from reality, for the other just a fun way to pass the time.

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